What is Protein प्रोटीन, why & how much protein we need? Hindi, India



Recently IMRB had conducted a survey on Indians to know the knowledge and daily consumption of protein which has produced shocking results. It is found during survey that proteins are missing from the diet of approx. 90% population. This survey is published in top daily newspapers of India like Hindustan times and Times of India on 2nd and 3rd June 2015 respectively.

This survey exposed the reasons behind this protein’s deficiency in diet.

  • Either the people were unaware of Proteins;
  • Few people were of the opinion that they do not need proteins as such because the diet they take; completes the protein need in body;
  • People who are sick or want to build their boy require proteins
  • Proteins make people gain weight;

These notion are myths and because of less or no knowledge about Proteins, people with protein’s deficiency suffers from

  1. Tiredness and weakness
  2. Low immunity,
  3. Weak bones
  4. Poor digestion
  5. Hormonal imbalances etc.

In this article we will discuss all aspects of proteins in detail like

  1. What is Protein?
  2. Need of Proteins in body
  3. Function of Proteins in our body,
  4. How the Proteins works in our body?
  5. Difference between complete and incomplete proteins
  6. Difference between Essential Amino Acids and non – Essential Amino Acids
  7. The amount of Proteins required in our body on daily basis.

What is Protein?

In simple words, proteins are basic body building block of human body. After water, protein is at no. 2 in our body. Our body made up of 20% of Proteins.

Function & need of Proteins in Human body

  • Structural function
    • Our Hair, skin, nails, ligaments, tissues, muscle fibers and even human heart is made of Protein.
    • Besides this, bone is mainly made up of collagen which is a fibrous protein.
    • Enzymes are also proteins whose function is to regulate digestion, absorption and utilization of food in body like to control chemical activities.
    • Our red blood cell has hemoglobin whose function is to supply oxygen in body and hemoglobin itself is a Protein.
    • The Antibodies that white blood cells produces in body to  defense against illness is also Protein. The contraction in our body is possible only because of muscle fibre which is made of Protein.
  • Human behavior, growth etc. all are hormones based and few hormones are proteins like Growth hormone which instruct cells to create growth I body. Human body is adversely affected in case lacks this hormone.
  • Insulin which controls blood sugar is also a Protein.
  • Protein is also a rich source of energy. Whenever lacks calories then it receives energy from the Proteins available in our body.

How protein works in our body?

Whenever we eat some proteins food, it breaks in amino acids during digestion. The amino acids are of 20 types in general out of which 9 are essential and 11 are non essential.

  1. Essential Amino Acids are those which our body cannot produce itself and we have to take then from our food.
  2. Non-Essential Amino Acids means that body can produce them of its own so non essential does not mean that our body does not require them but the body needs all the 20 amino acids.

The food source which contains all 9 essential acids, are known as complete proteins’ source foods like

  • Meat,
  • Fish,
  • Poultry,
  • Milk,
  • Eggs etc.

If we talk of plant based food sources like bean and grains these are very good source of proteins but these are incomplete as they do not contain all 9 amino acids but to complete them we can eat them in combination like beans and rice together will provide complete proteins to body.

Daily Requirement of Protein

Daily Proteins’ Requirement
Per 1 kg of body weight


(per day)





1 gm


Pregnant Women

1 gm

23 gms

Lactating Women

1 gm

17 gms

Atheletes etc.

1.75 – 2.25 grms



Kids & Adolescents

0 – 6 Months

2 gms


6 – 12 Months

1.65 gms


1 – 3 Years

1.3 gms


3 – 15 years

1.16 gms



  • Daily Proteins’ requirement increases in case of illness like
    • Flu, dengue, malaria, typhoid, burns or injuries. Likewise and
    • In case of chronic diseases like T.B., Cancer, Lungs and heart diseases, osteoarthritis, diabetes etc.

Proteins’ requirement can be completed with food sources or foods supplements. Here are some characteristics of a good Proteins’ food supplements

  1. It Must contain all 9 essential amino acid
  2. It should be Lactose free,
  3. It should be Fat free,
  4. It should be Sugar free,
  5. It should be Cholesterol free,
  6. It should be Easy to digest. The PDCAA score (protein’s digestibility correctibility amino acid score) must be 1 which is a standard for easy digestibility,
  7. It Should not contain artificial flavors.

Side Effects:

There are no side effects of Proteins in our body as its requirement of human body But excess of everything in every form is bad likewise if proteins are consumed in excess then it will result in dehydration, heart disease, hypertension, liver and kidney problems, osteoporosis etc.


Now, you must be well aware how proteins are useful in functioning of our body be its growth of our body, defense system of body, digestion or regulation of blood sugar level in our body body. We need Proteins all time and its need of the body so that we can stay fit and healthy.

Protein is required since fetus to actual birth of a baby and it is necessary from birth to death of a human being so that body grows and never lacks energy.  It helps in wear and tear or repairing tissues for continuous functioning of body so that we stay healthy.


  • Protein kya hai,
  • protein ka mahatv,
  • protein ki matra,
  • Protein Ke Fayde,
  • Protein kitna khana chahiye

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